Semester Projects
The following list shows some projects that have been carried out under my supervision or co-supervision:
- NetChaos TITAN Chaos Engineering (N. Kulczyki-Wolczko), proposed by Swisscom
- SRv6IDR TITAN SRv6 InterDomain Routing (R. Gomes Gonçalves), proposed by Swisscom
- AIFlow AI Flow stat (A. Sauthier)
- QUIC QUIC discovery and demonstrator (A. Sauthier)
- CNF CNF for demonstration (M. Dupré)
- TITANLab TITAN Digital Twin (S. Berset), proposed by Swisscom
- TITANSec TITAN Network Security (SRv6 Security) (A. Tardy), proposed by Swisscom
- ITTPF IT in transportation (M. Engler), proposed by TPF
- NAC1 Network Access Control (G. Nivokazi), proposed by SPIE
- QoSDC QoS Provisioning in an SDN Datacenter (B. Veuthey), proposed by ETS Montreal
- CFlowML Classification of network flows using machine learning (K. Ruffieux), proposed by ETS Montreal
- CSO Container Security and Observability (P. Streit), proposed by Swisscom
- BMONOFF Bare Metal Power Control (B. Cattin)
- VNFMon VNF Monitoring and alarming (P. Streit), proposed by Swisscom
- LiveCap Live Capture d’image dans une attraction et publication (D. Steiger)
- VNFDemo Demo VNF for labs and research projects (B. Veuthey)
- CISEC Social Engineering Audit Tools (Mr. Haymoz), proposed by Cisel
- CIWEB Security Audit Web Platform (Mr. Chatelain), proposed by Cisel
- OSAUT Open Stack Project automation (Mme Bays)
- E2EM End-to-End monitoring (Mr. Sissaoui), proposed by Swisscom
- VMAuto Automation of VM deployment and configuration (Mr. Haymoz)
- ICI Intégration de connecteurs industriels dans un superviseur (Mr. Rominger)
- InfraMon Monitoring Dashboard of ISC Infrastructure (M. Vonlanthen)
- VNFMon VNF Monitoring (Mr. Sissaoui)
- DaaS Desktop as a Service on OpenStack (MM. Nicolas & Alonso Lopez)
- Moves Bornes de recharge de véhicules électriques connectées (M. Helfer)
- CNF Cloud Native Function (M. Coppi)
- WebUSB Robot Arm Control through WebUSB (Mr. Tâche)
- LBHACNI Load Balancing/High Availability on Cloud Native Infrastructure (M. Nicolas)
- TPMAAS TP Metal as a Service (M. Alonso Lopez)
- ECSec Edge Cloud Security (M. Vonlanthen)
- SDNGrid SDN for SmartGrid (M. Rouvinez)
- 5GUPF 5G UPF for fixed and mobile convergence (Ms. Boopathi)
- SABNBOD Self adapting backbone network for bandwidth on demand (M. Roten)
- IPv6Board Test environment board for IPv6 (M. Ambrosini)
- ReMaDro Réseau MANET pour Drones (Ms. Boopathi)
- P4OP Virtual Switch Programming through P4 (M. Roten)
- OVSP4 Running P4 with OpenVSwitch (M. Paccard)
- ECOM Edge Cloud Computing Orchestration and Monitoring (MM. Macor & Zambon), proposed by Swisscom
- NETEM Les possibilités insoupçonnées de nos labos : Un émulateur de réseau et un générateur de trafic dévoilent leurs secrets (MM. Ly & Mueller)
- VoIPGW VoIP Gateway between traditional VoIP Network and IMS (M. Aeberhard)
- SecDNS Securing DNS with DoH or DoT (M. Macor)
- IPAMWI IP Address Management Web Interface (M. Mueller), proposed by ebQual
- AMQP Cloud Signalling for remote Access (M. Zambon)
- SITH Stealth Intrusion detection Through Honeypots (M. Pillonel), proposed by Infoteam
- ReNeMo Remote Network Monitoring (M. Roulin)
- PICOS Pilotage du réseau dans un Cloud OpenStack avec du SDN (M. Riedo)
- QoSBox Quel est l’effet de la QoS sur des petits réseaux de labo ? (M. Dufresne)
- NFV-Cloud Virtualisation des fonctions réseaux dans le Cloud (M. Riedo, M. Roulin)
- ObInt Objects of Interest (M. Vallélian), proposed by NetObservatory
- NRGITrack Tracking du traçage de pistes de ski de fond pour NRGi (M. Burket), proposé par NRGi (Nordic Région Gibloux)
- IoT Relay P2P Communication for IoT Devices (M. Zbinden), proposed by iSIS institute at HEIA-FR
- ChronoVoIP Système de VoIP embarque pour Swisstiming (MM. Lambert), proposed by SwissTiming
- RevToF Réseau VPN pour le Tour de France (M. Corpataux, M. Python), proposed by SwissTiming
- SoToBo Software Set Top Box (M. Vallélian)
- NetMule Access Network Emulation with JAR (M. Normand, Mr. Dubey)
- NetSim Network Simulation with JAR and Spirent equipment (M. Huber)
- SIRANOW Web interface for the SIRANO Tool (M. Bizzozero), proposed by Swisscom
- NORD NetObservatoy Registry Discovery (M. Cohadarevic), proposed by NetObservatory
- Framework Audit NetObservatoy, Web Framework Audit (M. Dousse), proposed by NetObservatory
- WoInterest Webcam of Interest (M. Valverde), proposed by NetObservatory
- vCPE Virtual CPE, how to virtualize the CPE with VNF (M. Fragnière)
- Net+SimBox Simulation of the STB of Net+ (M. Froidevaux), proposed by Net+
- NEMOS Monitoring through SIP Protocol (M. Perriard)
- APTITUDE Advanced Persistent Threats Detection (M. Devaud)
- SIRANO SIP and RTP traffic anonymisation (M. Gremaud), proposed by Swisscom
- ZMQSSL ZeroMQ Engine for openSSL (M. Jungo and M. Mesot)
- Qos or not QoS Faut-il implementer la QoS ? (M. Fragnière and M. Deleze)
- TUDMETA DNS Tunneling pour Meterpreter, Metasploit (M. Luccini and M. Meuret)
- BeeMon II Bee Monitoring (M. Gerstein)
- IPv6 Security (M. Luccini and M. Vacchio)
- BeeMon Bee Monitoring (M. Schneider and M. Gerstein)
- IPv6 Migration (M. Genoud), proposed by Cisel
- IPv6 Embedded (M. Breitenmoser and Mrs. Macheret)
- GeoManager (MM. Siegenthaler and Genoud)
- SharkTIC Plugin Integration wihtin Wireshark (MM. Assi and Gharbi)
- e-Diplom (MM. Forero and Heger)
- WifiAccessible (MM. Mercier and Bärtschi)
- RGEII (MM. Gremaud and Wermeille)
- CHrawler (MM. Gerber and Gugler), proposed by NetObservatory
- SwissIP Development of a visualization tool for the Swiss Internet (BGP/AS views) (MM. Dafflon and Tièche), proposed by NetObservatory
- SMTP Audit Study and developpement of an audit tool for SMTP Configuration of Swiss domain (Mlle Pache and M. Vaucher), proposed by NetObservatory
- Mobile Hacking (MM. Romanens and Oberson)
- DNSSec Fallback (M. Dutoit)