Bachelor Projects
The following are some projects that have been carried out under my supervision:
- TITANLab TITAN Digital Twin (S. Berset), proposed by Swisscom
- ITTPF IT in transportation (M. Engler), proposed by TPF
- L4S L4S - QoS Architecture (M. Gembi), proposed by Swisscom
- QoSDC QoS Provisioning in an SDN Datacenter (B. Veuthey), proposed by ETS Montreal
- CFlowML Classification of network flows using machine learning (K. Ruffieux), proposed by ETS Montreal
- DER Dashboard for escape Room (C. Herren), proposed by HouseTrap
- SRv6 Segment Routing for IPv6 (Mr. Haymoz), proposed by Swisscom
- VMRep Analyse et cadrage de l’utilisation du Cluster VWware (Mr. Vonlanthen)
- K8sU K8s Rollout (Mr. Schroeter)
- SIEM SIEM and Security Analytics (M. Neves), proposed by Syselcom
- DaaS Desktop as a Service orchestration on OpenStack (M. Alonso Lopez)
- AMD Architecture Microservices pour centraliser les données des services managés (M. Helfer), proposed by Cisel
- DAK8 Déploiement automatique d’écosystèmes Kubernetes (M. Coppi), proposed by Cisel
- SK8 Sécurité dans un pipeline CI/CD pour K8s (M. Gothuey), proposed by Cisel
- ASHCloud Automatisation de scale-out horizontal sur Cloud privé (M. Nicolas), proposed by Cisel
- GNSS Surveillance des signaux GNSS (M. Freiburghaus), proposed by Swisstopo
- VNFDevOps Continuos Integration and Development for VNF in Telco Cloud (M. Vonlanthen), proposed by Swisscom
- SABNBOD Self adapting backbone network for bandwidth on demand (M. Roten)
- SDNGrid SDN for Smart Grid (M. Rouvinez)
- SCION Scalability Control and Isolation on Next-generation network (M. Camuglia)
- Bonded 4G Bonded LTE Solutions for Critical Communications (M. Reymond), proposed by Broadcast Solutions
- OVPS Orchestration of VNF Composed with P4 Switches (M. Paccard), proposed by Swisscom
- ECOM Edge Cloud Orchestration and monitoring (M. Macor), proposed by Swisscom
- 5GLANE Entreprise LAN using Virtual 5G Network Functions Emulation (M. Borgognon), proposed by Swisscom
- SIOT Sécurisation des équipements IoT et traitement des données (M. Zambon), proposed by Spie
- GERRAS Gestion et remédiation des risques, alertes IDS et failles de sécurité (M. Mueller), proposed by Syselcom
- E2E Orchestration End to end orchestration on a Telco Cloud (M. Riedo), proposed by Swisscom
- RENEMO Remote Network Monitoring (M. Roulin)
- CHA Cloud Hosting Automation (M. Crettaz), proposed by Cisel
- Personal Custody Supervision and intervention to help people (MM. Pillonel and Caille)
- AMETIST Automatic Mass Exploitation Through IOT Search Tools (M. Vallélian), proposed by Infoteam
- NRGITrack Tracking du traçage de pistes de ski de fond pour NRGi (M. Burket), proposed by NRGi (Nordic Region Gibloux)
- IoT Relay P2P Communication for IoT Devices (M. Zbinden), proposed by iSIS Institute at HEIA-FR
- IMS Trap IMS Stateful Monitoring (M. Dubey), proposed by Ericsson
- NETMULE Network Emulation (M. Huber)
- HTTP2 HTTP/2 Analysis and performance evaluation (M. Dousse)
- HEFR-Cloud Multi-purpose Internet Relay (M. Cohadarevic)
- SCOP SDN and OpenStack (M. Cattaneo)
- vCPE Virtual CPE and SDN (M. Fragnière)
- Net+QSimBox Simulation of the STB of Net+ and QoS Measurement (M. Froidevaux)
- SIRANO SIP and RTP traffic anonymisation (M. Gremaud)
- NoDaBoP NoSQL Utilization for NetObservatory Data Analysis (M. Gremaud)
- NOVA NetObservatory Vulnerability Analysis (MM. Demierre and Carrel)
- BEEMON Monitoring de Ruche (M. Gerstein)
- AMER Agent de Monitoring d’Equipement Réseaux (MM. Hunziker and Frigerio)
- FASKY Failles de sécurité Skype (MM. Gharbi and Assi)
- RECOS Relais de connectivités SCTP (M. Damiano Zoppi)
- MiKEY (M. Marc Chuard)
- TebiProbe (MM. Mercier and Bärtschi)
- RGEII+ (MM. Gremaud and Wermeille)
- CMS Audit Study and automation of the audit of CMS (MM. Derbel and Franzi)
- DNSSecTool Study and development of an audit tool for DNSSec Configuration of Swiss domain (MM. Koch and Gassler)
- NetObsViz Development of a visualization tool for the Swiss Internet (BGP/AS views) (Mr. Dafflon)
- VoIPSec Study and development of an audit tool for VoIP Infrastructure (MM. Jacquat and Vanney)
- DNS Discover Study and development of an audit tool for DNS Configuration of Swiss domain (M. Gaudard)
- Mobile Hacking Study of hacking methods for smartphones (MM. Romanens and Oberson)
- PubNetObs Visualization tool for the NetObservatory datas (M. Guttknecht)
- DNSSec Securisation of the last “mile” of a DNSSec Infrastructure (Mr. Gerber, by SWITCH in Zürich)
- DNSSec Trafic analysis of DNSSec in comparison to DNS on the .ch Root Servers (Mr. Dutoit, by SWITCH in Zürich)